By working together you will not only find personal life alignment, peace, harmony in your work and life - you will also join a community of practice of leaders actively transforming our companies, organizations, systems and cultures as we collaborate in partnership to create a healthy, regenerative, sustainable world for all.

You will find clarity, flow, balance and impact in your contributions to the world ~ remembering that your work is an act of ethical, responsible and sacred service that is harmonious with your dharma (life purpose).

Who is this work for?

Anyone from anywhere with a calling to:

  • become a more authentic, motivated and impactful version of yourself, as a leader

  • incorporate personal & collective reflection, healing and transformation into your personal & professional lives

  • make a positive impact in your community and in the world

  • join in the collective restoration of a more peaceful & partnership-based human-social-ecological culture

  • dive deeper into your own personal, organisational, academic inquiry on purpose, mission and self as an anthropologist, researcher or custodian of knowledge in today's world

  • "be the change"

Work with me

Ready to take the next step?

Book a FREE Discovery Call

~ watch the magic unfold~